Appropriately enough, Mike Corbin spent Father’s Day with his new baby, the Sparrow. It
Sparrow EV
With the painted chassis all coming together and the wiring harness dialed in, the
Sparrow EV
In order to show off what can be done with some of the wide
Sparrow EV
There never seems to be enough hours in the day to get everything done.
Sparrow EV
Here’s a shot of our main R&D guy Vince Zavala dialing in the bodywork
Sparrow EV
Mike Corbin
Sparrow EV
The Next Chapter in Sparrow History
Sparrow EV
It’s coming together and we’re getting parts out of the paint shop for assembly.
Sparrow EV
Another Blast from the Past… This image was shot in San Francisco while we
Sparrow EV
The above image appeared in National Geographic magazine back in the 70’s. It shows
Sparrow EV